9-7-23 E-News

ZION E-NEWS (9-7-23)

Does anyone else think that we continue to make things more and more difficult? Did you know that on average Starbucks has about 130 different type of drinks they offer?  I still remember putting a quarter in an empty tin coffee can with a slit on the top and pouring my own coffee (2 types, regular and decaf).  I remember when I was the TV remote using one hand to manually turn the knob and change the 3 channels on the TV and the other hand would move the rabbit ears (and we only had 1 TV).  If you don’t know what rabbit ears are ask you parent or grandparent or find Pastor Rick and ask what he did before he cleaned and preached.  Finally, there are over 179 million copies of religious books sold each year that in reality all come back to 1 book, the Bible.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my choices at Starbucks and enjoy streaming and binge watch (no longer surfing), but I will admit I don’t pretend to read as many religious books now that Pastor Greg is gone and not “lending me” books I seriously never read but looked good on my shelf.
I know I make my walk with God too complicated or create goals to grow in my faith that are just not attainable.  So here are three simple challenges that I am trying to do to improve my Christ journey.  Perhaps you would like to give it a try as well.

1.  For 1 week write down how many hours you spent using technology for entertainment. Then write down how many hours you spent in prayer talking to your Heavenly Father.  Goal for the following week is simply to adjust that ratio by 3 – 5% with more time in prayer.

2.  For that same week compare your hours spent in using technology for entertainment to reading the Bible and create the same small goals.

3.  Finally, after you have heard the message from God on Sunday (or later if you watch or listen to the recording), decide for yourself or as a family what you were challenged with and how you want to behave differently that week.  Continue to talk about this throughout the week as a family, small group Triad, or call me!  Hold yourself accountable; don’t try doing it on your own.

Maybe we can agree to try to uncomplicate our walk with God during the month of September.  Try taking baby steps that are attainable.  Hold yourself accountable with your family, friends, or someone you can trust who will be real with you.

~Troy Austin

AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 10:30AM on Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

ZION KIDS: Our education year starts this Sunday! All kids birth through 5th grade must be signed in at the Zion Kids Check-In Kiosk located in the lobby before the service. The nursery will be staffed for kids birth – 3 yrs.  Preschoolers meet in room 206.  K-2nd graders meet in room 205. 3rd – 5th graders meet in room 207.  Please bring the corresponding tag to pick up your child after worship. We’re excited to begin the year!


PRAYER REQUEST: Continue to pray for those in our congregation who deal with ongoing health issues.

ALL BUILDING AND GROUNDS issues or concerns should be directed to Troy Austin. You can reach him via email at troymaustin@gmail.com or call or text him at (616) 914-0141.

DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”.  Laundry Soap,  Bar Soap,   Dish Soap,  Disposable Razors,  Shampoo,  Conditioner,  Toothpaste,  Paper grocery bags, Deodorant, Tampons, Maxi Pads, Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and  Toilet paper (1-4 pack).

IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Tom MacGraw, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is thomas.m.macgraw@gmail.com and his phone number is (616) 315-7938.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2023/24 Budget:  $161,601.30
Fiscal Year 2023/24 Contributions: $127,214.30
Giving Last Week: $8,554.95