Special Christmas Eve E-News Devotional


In light of our decision to cancel tonight’s service due to the blizzard warning and dangerous road conditions, we wanted to offer something on this Christmas weekend for you to use to ponder the gift of our Savior.   We encourage you to use it this weekend on your own or with others.

1.  Read the following scripture passages:

            Luke 2:1-20

            Matthew 1:18-25

2.  Watch the following Christmas video from the series called “The Chosen” (21 min.):

           The Shepherd

            Consider or discuss with others:

            a.  What do you think it was like for the shepherds (dirty, smelly and considered lower class) to be some of the first to know through the majestic angel visit?

            b.  How were Mary and Joseph faithful to God despite hardship?

            c.  In the video, the shepherds said “People must know”.  How can you help share the good news of Jesus with others?  Who can you tell?

            d.  Read Isaiah 9:6-7.  How do you need to experience that from the Savior today?

            e.  The video ends with “Have you found a spotless lamb for sacrifice?”  Ponder what it means for Jesus to be the spotless lamb.

3.  Spend time in prayer: thanking God for sending Jesus the Savior, praying for those you know who need to find hope and salvation through Christ, and lifting up any hurts, fears or struggles to Him.


(Note:  The Chosen series is available for free on https://www.angel.com/watch/the-chosen and is also available through Amazon Prime.  Two full seasons have been released and there is another Christmas video available through the website at the end of season 2.  My family has recently started watching these and have found them inspiring and helpful for reflecting on the work of Christ)


Merry Christmas,

Pastor Steve