Zion E-News (10-28-2021)

I promised last week to provide an update on actions and decisions made at General Synod just over a week ago. It feels like either I can provide a book of thoughts or only a brief thumbnail sketch. So, since no one wants a book of my thoughts, following is a sort of brief thumbnail sketch of the week.

General Secretary Rev. Eddy Aleman gave a report on the RCA early in the week that is well worth your time to watch. And yes, I know it is about 55 minutes. You can watch it here. He talks about the 68 new church plants and the growing diversity of our once Dutch denomination. Listening to Eddy, I feel great hope and confidence in God’s future for the RCA.

The bulk of our time was spent considering three proposals from the Vision 2020 team. This is a team created to consider a way forward through our ongoing disagreements around the proper response to human sexuality. Some in the RCA are vocally open and affirming regarding LGBTQ people (this group accounts for about 5% of RCA churches). Others believe such behavior is declared in scripture to be sin and so should not be tolerated in church. And many people and churches fall somewhere between those two poles. For more than 40 years we have lived with this tension as a denomination. Over the past few years, some churches have made clear their intention to leave the denomination over these differences and so the Vision 2020 team was tasked with finding a way to work through these issues.

They came with three proposals that were discussed in breakout groups for about 2 hours each on Thursday and Friday and then most of the day on Saturday in a full session. First, they proposed forming a team to restructure the denomination to be more responsive and nimble and allow for churches to associate within the denomination with churches who share a similar view on how to respond to LGBTQ people in their midst. This proposal was approved.

Second, they proposed spinning off RCA Global Missions into a separate 501c3 so that some of the more conservative churches who are planning to leave the denomination would still be willing to support RCA missionaries. After much discussion, this proposal was denied at the recommendation of the Vision 2020 team as they heard from more and more churches that they would support their missionaries no matter what happened with the RCA. Interestingly, the RCA is known for our global missions. Many people from other Christian traditions have commented that we “punch above our weight class” in global missions. We are not a big denomination, but we have a huge impact globally in missions and ecumenical work.

Third, they proposed regulations to clarify the process for a church to leave the denomination. The RCA has some unique rules that cause the property of a church to automatically revert to the Classis (local governing body) if the church leaves the denomination. The Classis can then decide if they will allow the church to keep its property. For the next 5 years, this proposal creates a regulation that requires Classis to let churches keep their property when they leave to go to another denomination. It also requires 75%of members to vote to leave the denomination. This proposal was approved.

What does all of this mean? I have a few ideas.
1. You will probably hear of some churches in West Michigan who will choose to leave the denomination. Some of these churches have been upset the RCA approved the Belhar Confession that says both that racism is wrong and that the gospel compels us to work for both racial reconciliation and justice. Many of them also disagree with RCA practices which allow women to be ordained as Elders, Deacons, and Ministers. Differences over LGBTQ issues are only one of many reasons they are choosing to leave.
2. The RCA is going to become a much more racially diverse denomination as over 80% of our recent church plants are churches reaching minority ethnic groups. This has only increased with a Nicaraguan refugee serving as our General Secretary.
3. Our Classis has in the past and I expect will continue to hold to a traditional view on human sexuality. We will continue to not ordain people actively in a same sex relationship to the offices of Deacon, Elder or Minister. We will also continue to not allow our pastors to officiate same sex marriages.
4. At Zion, Consistory has not discussed these decisions yet, but I suspect not much will change at Zion as we continue to seek to love our neighbors and tell people about the new life in Christ available to all.

– Greg

Connect to God
This Sunday we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. The service will be live-streamed at 9:30 and replayed again at 11. You can find the services either on our Facebook page, at zionreformed.online.church, or streaming on our Youtube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. 

Churches are not places of model behavior. They have as many people struggling with sin, pain, and brokenness as those outside of church. Rather than being perfectly healthy communities, church is the place we can go to acknowledge, face, and deal with our brokenness. The book of James confronts the conflicts, tensions, and mess of church life head on. This week, as we continue our study of James, we hear a hard word for the abusive rich. Judgment is coming. God is going to set things right.

This Sunday, we welcome Dr. Rachel Postle-Brown, the principal of Bursley Elementary. We have been partnering with Bursley Elementary and Kids Hope for the past year and will be doing so again this year to provide mentoring to students and encouragement to the teachers of Bursley. We look forward to hearing from Dr. Brown.

Grow in Community
Steve and Shawn Landstra received difficult news this week as small spots were found on Steve’s lungs. This raises his diagnosis to stage 4 lung cancer which is considered treatable, but not curable. Please keep Steve, Shawn and their daughters Haley and Carly in your prayers as they process this news and Steve begins treatments again next week.

This has been a fun week at Zion. Jim Peterson has been busy painting our lobby. Threads was busy sorting clothes Monday night while at the same time the Personal Care Pantry was holding a distribution. That afternoon Hand2Hand was meeting with a representative of Feeding America to talk about how to partner more effectively in distributing food to kids in our community. Like RCA Global Missions (mentioned in the introductory reflections), Zion punches above its weight in its local community impact!

On Sunday morning, Nov. 14, kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to sing “Raise a Hallelujah” in front of church. If you child would like to join in, please have them at church a few minutes before 9:00am. We’ll meet in the sanctuary to practice before church.

We are reading through the New Testament over the next year as a congregation. The reading schedule for this coming week is below:
11/1    Monday         Revelation 3
11/2    Tuesday        Revelation 4
11/3    Wednesday   Revelation 5
11/4    Thursday       Revelation 6
11/5    Friday            Revelation 7

You can also find the reading schedule on our website under the Ministries tab.

Serve the World
Last week Threads Boutique and two other ministries were presented to a group called 100+ Women Who Care.  This is a group of local women who are interested in supporting the community by contributing to local charities as a group to increase the impact of their donation.  During the presentation, the mission of the organization had to be described, along with how it serves the community, who it impacts, and how many it impacts.  After the presentations of the three ministries, each woman in this group voted on which ministry they would like their donation to go towards, and the organization with the most votes received all the donations from each of these women.  AND, THREADS WON!!!  $5,000!!!!   So many people will be blessed with this donation!  The plan is to use this money to purchase and provide NEW winter coats, boots, and snowpants to the children of the families that shop at Threads.  What an incredible opportunity it was to present Threads and spread the word about this ministry to the community.   To be able to receive so much money for this ministry on top of that is truly amazing!  Thank you Jesus!

Last week, we shared a need from Jenison Public Schools for people to help prepare meals for a class being held by Love Your Neighbor (formerly Love, INC). If you are interested in helping provide food, you can sign-up at the link below.
Connections Meal Signup

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is Jholzgen@yahoo.com and his phone number is 616-520-1771.

We have been busy cleaning out some closets and storage rooms in the basement. As a result, we have uncovered plates, cups, coolers and more that we do not need at church. If you are interested in giving any of these items a new home, you can do so following worship on November 7. Any donation to support Zion will be appreciated, but not required.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget:  $235,415.67
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $168,368.31
Giving Last Week: $5,902.00