Camp Zion 2021 Week 6


Hello Camp Zion Families,
Here is what’s coming up next week. (July 19-22)

Camp Zion Week 6:  Spirit Week.
Monday:  Hawaiian/Beach Day.
Wear your swimsuits and bring your towels – it’s slip-n-slide day.

Tuesday:  Michigan vs. Michigan State
Wear your favorite teams logo or colors.

Wednesday:  Wacky Hair or Silly Hat Day.

Thursday:  Tie Dye Day.
Wear something tie-dye.
Bring:  A blanket, pillow and/or your favorite stuffed animal.
It’s movie day – Tom & Jerry (rated PG)


Reminder:  If your child will be absent for any reason (illness, vacation, appointment, etc.) please let me know.  Knowing who will be at camp each days helps us to prep for our activities and lets our staff know who to wait for at arrival.

Have a great weekend. See you on Monday.