Special Covid E-News

Dear Congregation,

Your Consistory met last night to discuss how to respond to the latest orders from the MDHHS. Just as schools have been adjusting to these guidelines for the next three weeks, we are thinking through how we can both follow these guidelines and continue to worship our God, care for one another, and love our community well.

After considering recommendations from our staff, we decided to cancel all youth and children’s programming and to hold worship only online for the next 3 weeks. Further, we will not be allowing any use of our building by members or outside groups for special events during the next three weeks. We will continue to use the building for both Hand2Hand and the Personal Care Pantry.

I know this is sad news for many of us. It is for those of us on Consistory, too. We want to be clear that we are choosing to meet online because we think this is the best way to love our neighbors during this time. We want to do our part to help slow the spread of Covid-19 so that:

1. The doctors and nurses and all who work in our healthcare system will not be overwhelmed and will be able to care well for those who are sick.

2. Students can go to school in person because we know the strain virtual learning puts on families, students and teachers.

3. Nursing homes and assisted living centers allow visitors because we know the pain and suffering cause by the isolation experienced by many of the older people in our community.

I know this may feel like discouraging news to many in our congregation. Honestly, it is discouraging to me, too. And, we also know there is light at the end of this tunnel. Two possible effective vaccines appear to be on the way. But even more importantly, our God is with us. I woke up early this morning with the old hymn “His Eye is on the Sparrow” running through my head. It is a beautiful hymn that speaks of the presence of our God in times of suffering, depression, and loneliness. Even then, it reminds us, our God is still with us and he watches over us.

God is watching over you today. He is watching over Zion. He watches over our community and our country. We can trust in his care. He will carry us through.

– Greg