Youth Group Kick-Off

Here is a link for filling out an online release/registration form (new this year!). You will need insurance and doctor/medical info. If your child is bringing a friend, please forward this email to their parents and have them fill out the online release/registration form. Also, please let me know if they are thinking of bringing a friend.
September 27 we will be kicking off youth group for the year! 
We will meet during our normal youth group time of 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm for High School and 5:45 pm – 7:15 pm at church.
We will be playing some games to get to know one another, as well as having a “Paint War.” For the paint war, we will be splitting into different teams and playing something similar to a capture the flag game, except instead of tagging others, we will throw watered down washable tempera paint from small cups onto each other.
Youth will need to wear clothes that they are okay with getting paint on (with a chance of it not washing out) and will need to bring an old towel or 2 (that could also get pain on it), as well as a clean change of clothes (OR you could pick them up with their paint clothes still on them, but you’ll want something on your car seat to keep the paint from getting on your car). Youth will not be allowed to go inside church to change clothes. We will set up portable changing tents for youth to change clothes. They will also not be allowed to go inside for any reason once they have paint on themselves.
Also please bring a mask just in case we need them at some point.
Youth will also need a mask for regular youth group meetings, which will start the following Sunday, October 4 from 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm for High School (9th -12th grade) and 5:45 pm – 7:15 pm for Middle School (6th-8th grade).
If we have bad weather on the day of the kick-off, we will still meet for youth group inside church. We will reschedule the paint war for the following week if possible.