Zion E-News (2-20-2020)

Earlier this week, someone on social media asked people to share their worst/weirdest/most awkward experience they could recall as a visitor to a church. Following are some of the stories:
1. On a Sunday morning, we were told at the door they were having a special event and then they asked us to go to the Starbucks down the road for an hour until it was over and then come back.
2. Being introduced as a newcomer and then asked to stand up and tell the congregation about myself.
3. I had a family get to service and ask me to move and sit somewhere else because it was the spot they always sit in.
4. Being handed a KJV since mine was a “perVersion”
5. Visited a small church and was offered the chance to play the offertory.
6. Walked in and I was handed a clip on tie, I asked why and the person said, “you honor God by how well you dress.” I’m sure God was honored to see me wear a clip on tie with my v-neck shirt.
7. We were asked our names, David and Joan, but were then introduced to the tiny church as Brian and Judy.
8. Absolutely no one greeted us coming in or out.
9. My wife and I sat down at a table for Bible study and two other couples got up and moved to a different table without saying anything.
10. Within minutes of visiting a church for the first time I was brought up front to walk with the pastor. As the service began he invited me up front and introduced me as the guest pastor for the morning and then sat down. I was just visiting.

It takes a lot of courage to come to a church for the first time. And, there are lots of ways to welcome people poorly to church. I am grateful for all of you and the way so many of you are intentional each Sunday to welcome new people, to reach out to people you don’t yet know, and create a community in our space. Thank you.

Connect to God
There is perhaps no greater influence in Christian discipleship and moral thinking than the Sermon on the Mount. In three short chapters, Jesus lays out a vision for how to live the good life, the life God intended for us, in our personal, public, and spiritual lives. This week, we continue our study of this influential sermon as we consider the type of heart that motivates kingdom behavior.

On Wednesday February 26 at 6:30 pm, we will be celebrating Ash Wednesday. During the service, we will both observe communion and the imposition of ashes. The Elders encourage you in the week ahead to examine your life to see if there are any relationships in which you need to be reconciled, if there is any sin of which you need to repent, so that we can gather in unity at Jesus’ table on the 26th.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
Anne Algra-Muizelaar went to be with her Lord and Savior early Tuesday morning. Her funeral service will be held  at 11am on Saturday, Feb. 22 at Matthysse Kuiper DeGraaf Funeral Home in Grandville. Visitation will be held from 10-11AM prior to the service. Please pray for peace and comfort for her family during this difficult time.

Please keep Kim Eling (sister-in-law to Matt and Katie Eling) who received some difficult news early this week in her ongoing battle with cancer. The cancer has spread to her brain and she will begin full brain radiation treatment beginning tomorrow. The family asks for prayers for 1) effective treatment with minimal side effects, 2) fluid to stay off of Kim’s lungs, 3) for a vertebrae fracture to remain stable and 4) for the peace of Christ to fill their hearts and minds.

This week our Sunday school students welcomed  Larry Westra as their honored guest. Larry taught Sunday School for 33 years, and he’s passionate about children meeting Jesus.  He still prays for the kids in our church on Wednesday evenings with the prayer group. We were so blessed to have him talk with the kids!

If you are a confessing member of Zion and over the age of 18, please remember to turn in your Consistory willing to serve response form by March 1.

Serve the World
We received an update from Jibit Asha recently about their work in Nepal in the month of January. During the month, they saw 15 new villages reached by their church planters, 7 people accept Christ as their Lord and Savior, 3 people baptized, a new church building begin to be built, and begin distributing warm blankets.

Administrative Details
If you want to keep up with our capital campaign, you can check out all sorts of information on our website here.

If you receive the denominational magazine RCA Today, you may have seen an article about our church. I was interviewed last fall to talk a little about what God has been doing through all of you here at Zion. I never want to pass up on a chance to brag about the great people of Zion, so I was happy to share. Unfortunately, I cannot share a link to the article here as it is not available on-line. But, you should check it out in the magazine and join me in thanking God for the work he is doing among us.

Our next Leaders Meeting will be Sunday, March 1 from 5-7 pm. We will enjoy a meal together, meeting in ministry teams, and Pastor Greg will share a little about potential changes in our denomination, the Reformed Church in America, as we await counsel from the Vision 2020 team established by our governing body two years ago. Child care will be provided for kids from birth through 5th grade. You can sign-up through the Connection Cards on Sunday. If you an adult interested in helping provide childcare, you can sign-up by the Welcome Center on Sunday.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year to date budget: $421,489.16
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $412,230.49