Zion E-News (1-16-2020)

Earlier this week, I was talking with a friend about life and they mentioned one of the lies they have believed for years that they were working on training their mind to unlearn. For years, they had felt as if they were not worthy. Other people could be loved by God. Other people could be used by God. But they were not worthy.

This got me thinking about other lies we can sometimes tell ourselves about us and our relationships with God:
1. I am not enough.
2. I need to do more.
3. My past defines my future.
4. I don’t know enough.
5. I’m not talented enough.

As I was talking with my friend, I kept thinking of Romans 5:8 which says:

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Think for just a moment what this verse means. While you were at your lowest, while you were worn out, while you were feeling like a failure, while you were doing what you are doing right now, God loves you. God does not demand we get out lives together before he will love us. God does not require us to clear some sort of bar of spiritual maturity before we can use us. God does not need you to do anything before he can delight in you. While we were sinners, right this very moment and every moment before and after, God loves you.

Does God want us to stay trapped in sin, caught in unhealthy patterns of behavior? Of course not! He wants the best for the people he loves. He wants us to be free to live and love the wya Jesus did. But, God loves us and we are enough for him just as we are already now.

Connect to God
Life is full of tests. Driving tests when we turn 16. End of the semester tests in school. But there are also the less predictable tests: losing a job, health concerns, relationship challenges and so on. Every day, we all face tests of our will, our values, our habits that reveal who we have become. Sadly, we all fail these tests some of the time. So did the Israelites in the Old Testament. They failed to live God honoring lives. They failed to worship God alone. The disciples failed to understand Jesus’ teachings. They failed to stay loyal when he was arrested. We all fail sometimes. Thankfully, as Jesus reveals during his testing in the desert, though we may fail the test, Jesus has passed every test for us.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
Brooklyn Friar is continuing where recovery from RSV, the flu, and pneumonia. The breathing tube has been removed and she continues to gain strength each day. Parker Bremer also remains in the hospital as he keeps on gaining weight and growing after being born 8 weeks premature. Please keep both those young children and their families in your prayers.

Serve the World
Last week Sunday, we commission Sarah McAnally as a Leadership Resident serving Wayland Harbor, a new church plant from the Harbor Church Network. As Sarah said on Sunday, she and her family remain committed to Zion and will continue worshipping with us as she grows in her ministry leadership skills and learns more about church planting. Please keep both Sarah, her family, and Wayland Harbor in your prayers.

Due to the in-climate weather last week, we had to postpone the Zion Mini-golf event until February 1 from 12-3. This is both a great opportunity to casually connect with friends from Zion and also invite any unchurched friends to a family friendly event at church. We look forward to seeing you on the 1st!

Administrative Details
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year to date budget: $366,030.06
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $353,659.72