Zion E-News (10-10-2019)

This Sunday, we will be talking about forgiveness. For the past week and a half, my eyes have been opened to stories of grace. We saw amazing forgiveness in the brother of Botham Jean who forgave his brother’s killer. We see the ongoing pain of unforgiveness in the conflicts in the Middle East between Israelis and Palestinians as well as Shia and Sunni. And then, this morning, I heard about a ministry focused on giving people grace-filled second chances.

70×7 i s a Christian ministry focused on helping returning neighbors assimilate back into the community after serving time in prison. They provide life-skill training, family support, and help in job placements through partner churches and businesses.

In my conversation with Greg Chandler from their team, he told the story off Naka Sims, a returning neighbor with multiple felonies. Naka went through the 70×7 program and met an employer whom he really liked. he asked repeatedly if he could be placed with this company because he wanted to work with the owner. He pursued a job opportunity and now several years later has become a partner in the small business.

We can be captivated by stories of grace like happened in the Botham Jean case, but more often, grace looks like hard work caring for and encouraging people as they put their life back together. Today, I am thankful for the mentors and business partners of 70×7 who put in that hard work to show the gospel of Jesus to returning neighbors in need of a second chance.

Connect to God
These days it’s easy to see life the way we want to. We can filter our images, pick the news we want to hear, and listen only to the viewpoints that agree with us. When we do that, we start to distort our view of the world. The same thing can happen to our view of God. We reshape our perception of Him into what we want to believe, or what we want to think about others. Jesus came to bring us the truth about God and His plan for us, and it doesn’t always sound like what you may think. Today we consider Jesus’ teaching to forgive without exceptions.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
We extend our sympathy to Chip and Becky Harkes and their family in the passing of Becky’s mother Roxanne Bloem on Monday after an almost year long battle with cancer.. The funeral was held this afternoon at Messiah CRC.

On October 20 the High School Youth Group invites you to join them for a special time of worship where students will present some of their favorite praise songs. Worship begins at 5:45PM and will be held in the sanctuary.

On October 25, we will be holding a hayride and bonfire at Post Family farm from 6-8 pm for Zion attenders and their friends. We will enjoy a hayride, bonfire, hot chocolate, s’mores, a ninja course ($2 per person), and pumpkin rides for the little ones. The cost is $5 per adult and $3 per child. But, if you invite a friend who is not currently attending a church, then your family and theirs can attend for free. See you on the 25th from 6-8 at Post Family Farm.

Middle School students are invited to join Pastor Greg and Matt Eling for an opportunity to explore our faith together, by digging into some key questions about Christianity and teachings from the Bible. We will enjoy some food and pop, talk about a few chapters of scripture, and explore our faith together. This class begins this Sunday and will meet each Sunday afternoon prior to youth group from 4:30 to 5:30 in room 202. We look forward to seeing you!

Are you interested in joining Zion? If so, we will be holding a new members class for those interested in learning more about joining Zion  on Sunday, Nov. 3 following worship. This is a great chance to learn more about Zion, its history, mission, and values, get to know some new people, and is also a requirement for joining the church.

Is the child check-in line too long? Are you feeling crowded by the check-in stations? Then check out our new child check-in station in Room 205. This station will not be staffed on Sundays, but if you are comfortable signing your child into our system without assistance, this is a great option to decrease congestion and the wait near door ‘D.’

On November 9, from 9-3 pm, we will be hosting a day of learning, listening and discussing the work of the Vision 2020 team for the Reformed Church in America. In response to ongoing tensions and dialogue around different understandings of how to properly respond to the changing cultural views of human sexuality, the Vision 2020 team was formed to imagine how our denomination can or should stay in relationship given the wide ranging views on these issues. The work of the Vision 2020 Team is to identify and explore possible scenarios, strategies, and consequences for these future options for the Reformed Church in America: (1) staying together; (2) radical reconstituting and reorganization; (3) grace-filled separation. This event is designed to help understand and process through the ramifications of the potential changes for the denomination and the local church. If you are interested in attending, you can sign-up here.

Serve the World
Sarah McAnally and Tracy Lobbes left last week for Nepal to meet with and learn more about our church planting efforts in that country through our partnership with Jibit Asha. Please join in prayer for them and their families for both safety and a fruitful time of learning and ministry. We look forward to hearing about their experiences and learnings when they return. Tim Mekkes left this week to continue his work in Nepal through Good News Nepal. Please keep Tim, Tracy, Sarah and their families in your prayers during these times of travel.

Administrative Details

Join us on Vision Sunday as we pray and explore how we can create a building for the future – aligning our facilities with our mission to make disciples who make disciples. On Sunday, October 27, we invite you to join us after the worship service to:

  • Learn about the proposed Building Project
  • View the latest drawings from our Building Committee
  • Participate in a small group discussion
  • Ask questions and offer your opinions and advice

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year to date budget: $210,744.58
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $171,802.65