Zion E-News (5-24-2018)

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been delighting in the many ways our new playground has been used. Last week, I stopped by to visit with a support group taking advantage of the picnic tables on a beautiful sunny day. Sunday afternoon children played on the toys near the end of the visitation for Joanne Oudbier and before our leaders meeting. And, every sunny afternoon, I see moms and dads walking kids over to play on the slide or give a push on the swings. As the grass continues to grow, we look forward to kickball and soccer games and all the Camp Zion kids playing in the cool grass rather than the hot pavement this summer. 

I am especially thankful today for the vision and generosity of Zion to offer this convenient and simple place for families to connect and enjoy the beautiful summer and spring weather of Michigan.

Connect to God
On Easter Sunday, God begins a re-creation of the world beginning with the resurrection of Jesus. While we are still waiting for this creation to be fully formed, we as Christians are called to live a Jesus shaped life so that our lives point people both to Jesus and this new world God is making. This week, we consider how a Jesus shaped life at its core is an embodied life. Not looking to escape this world, but fully engaged in the physical world in which we live.

This morning we welcome Jed Gerken as the newest member of Zion. Jed is the father of Grady Gerken and we are delighted to have him join us.

We will no longer be having a Children’s Message during worship because of the sheer number of children and the recognition that through Children and Worship we already provide worship and teaching that is age appropriate for our youngest members. This Sunday kids will be invited up to the steps to be prayed over before they are dismissed to Children and Worship. We will publicly thank Kelly Osterink for her faithful service for well over a decade in teaching our children each Sunday at a later time.

We are still looking for more volunteers for our summer children’s ministry. You can sign up here.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
We extend out sympathy to Ann Muizelaar in the passing of her husband Gerald Muizelaar on Saturday. The funeral was held this afternoon. 

Mark Steenbergen continues his recovery from open heart surgery on Friday.

We congratulate Matt and Katie Wagner on the birth of their son, Josiah Roger, who arrived at 6:03am on May 20. Josiah weighed in at 6lbs 14oz and is  20 1/2 inches long! Both mom and baby are doing great.

Serve the World
On Monday night, our Personal Care Pantry cared for many families in our community. As they provide basics of life like soap and shampoo, our team also prays with and for our guests. As we pray with neighbors, we often encounter situations of brokenness and pain. Marriages falling apart. Domestic violence. Cancer. Addictions. I am so thankful for our faithful volunteers who step into these difficult moments with the love and grace of God.

Hand2Hand has wrapped up for the school year. Thank you to all who helped buy, donate, pack and deliver food to students in Grandville schools. I was just talking with a family recently about their experience when money was tight and food was short. While a few meals may not seem like much to many of us, when life is hard, these simple gifts provide not only physical nourishment, but also nourish hope and souls as people are reminded they are not alone. Thank you Hand2Hand Team!

Administrative Details
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Year to date budget:  $541,360.41
Year to date contributions: $542,297.11