Zion E-News 4/26/18

This week, I have been in Las Vegas for a few days for some training on Leadership Development processes with some regional staff of our denomination. As I write this, I am sitting in an airport anticipating a week of learning, growth, and developing some relationships with colleagues. I am sure it will be great week.

But I am also recognizing a little something of a loss this week. Two of my kids have birthdays on Thursday. There is nothing quite like the excitement of a young child on their birthday. The joy of giving treats at school, singing happy birthday, and all the little rituals of the celebration diminish as kids grow. But when they are young, the delight is right on the surface. I will miss being with them on their birthdays. (I recognize, even as I write this, that many people travel all the time for their work or work off shifts and regularly miss important moments, so I am truly grateful for the many moments I get to enjoy.)

But, this longing has got me thinking about the ministry of presence. Simply being with people matters. On Friday last week, Sarah McAnally (Chair of Deacons) and I spent about an hour with Madonna Chappelle’s family as she neared the end of her life. This came after many hours with Madonna over the prior week and months. There were no special words that could take away the grief, but we stood by their said and mourned with them.

On Sunday afternoon, I had the privilege of preaching at Brookcrest Nursing Home. I preach at nursing homes every so often on a Sunday afternoon, as do most pastors. Gathering with these faithful followers of God, some whom have been following God for 90 years, there were no words I could speak that would suddenly change their delight in and awe of God. What I said probably did not matter at all, but we gathered together and talked before the service began and shared little stories and laughed a little together, and then we sang and prayed and read some scripture. It was good to simply be together.

Sometimes, I think we can hold back from reaching out to people because we don’t know what to say or feel inadequate. But, when people are going through hard times or are just a little lonely, they do not need great orators or deep wisdom, they need friends, fellow believers, to come and sit with them. There is great spiritual power and encouragement in someone just showing up. So, show up at the funeral home, show up with a meal one night, send a card, shoot them a text, or even be so bold as to call. Whoever it is you know who is going through a hard time, be present for them and see what God might do when you show up.

Connect to God

On Easter Sunday, God begins a re-creation of the world beginning with the resurrection of Jesus. While we are still waiting for this creation to be fully formed, we as Christians are called to live a Jesus shaped life so that our lives point people both to Jesus and this new world God is making. This week, we consider Jesus call to be a people defined and shaped by an ethic of peace. This Sunday, we are privileged to welcome the Revs. Ron and Anna Radcliffe from City Chapel who will be bringing us an update on City Chapel and also God’s word for us.

From the Sunday after Memorial Day through Labor Day, we take a break from our regular children’s programming. This gives our teachers a much needed break from prepping as people are in and out for vacations.

In its place, we will be showing the children ages 3 through 3rd grade a Christian video each week (during the worship service), such as Veggie Tales, or Hermie and Friends.

You can sign up here to work in our summer Children’s ministry.

Adults 18 years and older must go through Keeping Kids Safe training before volunteering with kids. If you didn’t go through training last fall, there will be one on May 20 after church.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community

Jack Heuvelhorst went to be with his Lord and Savior on Monday, April 23. We extend our sympathy to Judie, Greg and Michelle Stuyvesant, and their family and ask that you would pray for peace and comfort for them during this difficult time.

Bob Baar continues receiving chemotherapy and asks for prayers for minimal side effects and healing.

Serve the World

God continues to bless the work of City Chapel, our downtown church plant as they prepare for upcoming preview services and the hoped for launch of weekly worship this fall. Following is the latest update from Ron and Anna.

What are we celebrating?
Last week Thursday, Ron and Anna and a few others brought lunch to Kendall students during their “random acts of lunch.” They got to connect with more students beyond the ones they pray with each week at Kendall College.

What’s coming up?
Sunday, April 29: Anna and Ron are both preaching at Zion Reformed in Grandville. That’s right. Both at the same time 🙂
Sunday, June 17: Mark your calendars for the first preview service for City Chapel set to take place at CityFlats in downtown Grand Rapids.
Sunday, July 22: Second preview service
Sunday, August 26: Third preview service

How can you be praying?
This week, we’d ask for continued prayers around the volunteers who will be helping in our preview services and launch. There’s a lot to get done in the next few weeks and months. Pray for hungry hearts for the city of Grand Rapids. And, if you’re interested in signing up to help, email us at: citychapelgr@gmail.com

Administrative Details

Our next Leaders Meeting will be on Sunday, May 20 from 5-7 pm. We will start the evening with a meal and then talk a little about the vision and direction of Zion, breakup into ministry teams, and end the evening with some training by Pastor Jeremy. We have a great night planned. If you volunteer in any capacity, you are both invited and strongly encouraged to attend this evening of community and ministry. If you do not yet serve anywhere in the ministries of Zion, but wold like to get involved, please join us as well and we will get you connected that night. Sign-ups for the leaders meeting will begin on April 29. Childcare will be provided for children 5th grade and under.

The Consistory of Zion met last Tuesday night to approve a budget recommendation for the fiscal year of 2018/19 and to nominate our slate of new Elders and Deacons. The budget will be available in the Narthex on Sunday morning for your review prior to our Congregational Meeting on May 6 following worship.

The following people were nominated for the office of Elder:
Kyle VanderWall, Josh Sanders, Brian Davis, and Mike Knott.

The following people were nominated for the office of Deacon: Jerrod Holzgen, Chip Harkes, Mark Radcliff, and Aaron Huizenga.

Our new Elders and Deacons will be chosen by lot at our congregational meeting on May 6 from these nominees. Pleas be in prayer for each of our nominees.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Year to date budget: $498,900.77
Year to date contributions: $490,289.11