Luke 16:1-13

Text: Luke 16:1-13

Title: Say What?: Don’t Wanna Waste your Life

Preacher: Mr. Ron Radcliffe

This week continue our sermon series on several of Jesus’ parables. Often parables can be confusing be cause they come out of a culture radically different from our own: primarily agricultural, Jewish, 2,000 years ago, with a little mixture of Greek culture thrown in. On top of that, Jesus told parables in part to keep his mission and teaching a little obscured to those on the outside. As a result, we often read his parables and find ourselves puzzled, rather than enlightened. This week as we look at Luke 16:1-13 consider the following: If you were asked to give an account of your life right now, what would it be? What are you wasting? What do you love the most?