Matthew 13:1-23 ~ Spiritual Stuff: Are You Drawn In or Indifferent

Text: Matthew 13:1-23

Title: Spiritual Stuff: Are You Drawn In or Indifferent

Preacher: Rev. Rick VanderWall

As the New Year begins, we usually have thoughts about how to make this year better than the last. This usually means starting something like a diet or exercise program. And like most good ideas, it isn’t long and somehow they just fade away and we fall back into the routine we like and are use to. But what about our walk with God and the spiritual things that come with that? Is it time to take a good look at where we are at in this journey? We are starting this year with a sermon series titled “I Need a Breakthrough.” And the subject we are starting with is about all that Spiritual Stuff. On this first day of a new year, let’s look at scripture to find out what we need to do to guide us in this endeavor. Are you drawn in or indifferent?