Zion E-News 1-4-24

ZION E-NEWS (1-4-24)
AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 10:30AM on Sunday*. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.
*WCET experienced a major power surge about 6 weeks ago that destroyed the majority of their equipment and their ability to broadcast our service. They are in the process of replacing that equipment and hope to be back up and running in the next couple of weeks.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for those in our congregation who are dealing with ongoing health issues.

A NOTE OF THANKS: On behalf of the staff and Consistory, I want to say a word of thanks to the Zion family for your continued support of our church and ministry. Your generous year-end giving helped us make up the gap in our general fund, allowing us to pay a significant boiler replacement bill. We are so grateful. God has continued to open doors for us to share the love of Christ with each other, with our local community, and around the world. Thank you for being part of the wonderful mission and ministry he has given us to do. I look forward to seeing more of his invitations and faithfulness to us in the year to come!  Pastor Marcia

DO YOU LOVE having cookies after the service on Sunday mornings? We are looking for someone to coordinate the cookie schedule. We love being able to have a warm atmosphere after worship – will you help us make that happen?  Please reach out to Pastor Marcia or Haley Stone if you are interested.

NURSERY NEEDS!  There are two ways you can bless our littlest ones (and their parents!) at Zion in this season. First, we are looking for more volunteers!  Please prayerfully consider whether you could spend a Sunday morning snuggling and playing with babies and toddlers from time to time. We make promises to raise up our children in the faith when they are baptized, and this begins in the nursery!  Second, as you sort through your toys and perhaps donate some your children are no longer using, would you consider donating them to Zion?  We would love some updated toys in the nursery, family room, and Threads kids’ zone. Please contact Olivia DeHaan at odehaan726@gmail.com to volunteer or donate items.  Thank you!

ZION YOUTH: Regular meeting will resume on January 14.

DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”.  Laundry Soap,  Bar Soap,   Dish Soap,  Disposable Razors,  Shampoo,  Conditioner,  Toothpaste,  Paper grocery bags, Deodorant, Tampons, Maxi Pads, Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and  Toilet paper (1-4 pack).

HAND2HAND needs extra help in January! A few of our regular helpers are gone for the month of January so we need help with deliveries to the ECC and Grandview the next 4 weeks. Please contact Shawn Sanders or Shiela Johnson if you can help.

HAND2HAND: We are currently serving 100 kids each week! We could use food donations of the following: pudding cups, 100% juice, juice boxes, beef stick, granola bars, Lance brand or that type of sandwich cracker and microwave popcorn.

IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Tom MacGraw, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is thomas.m.macgraw@gmail.com and his phone number is (616) 315-7938.

WE CONTINUE to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2023/24 Budget:  $357,831.45
Fiscal Year 2023/24 Contributions:  $343,986.76
Giving Last Week: $13,947.00

12-31-23 Worship Service